rising mortality in March seen by associations


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Road safety: mortality on the rise in March as seen by associations

Road safety: mortality on the rise in March as seen by associations


The month of March 2024 broke new records in terms of mortality on French roads. The reason, according to the associations, is speed and a lack of prevention.

The month of March 2024 will have been particularly deadly on the roads. In total, 254 deaths were recorded last month, or 31% more than in March 2023. The most affected are motorists, with 120 injured in one month. This surge in figures can be explained by an overall increase in speed, according to road safety associations.

“There was a message sent to the French”

“What is qualified as a small speeding violation is still punishable by a fine, but is no longer accompanied by the withdrawal of a point. Undeniably there was a message sent to the French that the speed was not a problem”, points out Anna Lavaud, general delegate of the road safety association. Young people are once again particularly affected with 40 deaths in March, or 23 more victims than in the same month last year. Consequence, according to the associations, of a lack of prevention.

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