rising food prices set to last



France 3

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The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is driving up energy and commodity prices. For how long ? The point on set, Wednesday April 27, with journalist Dorothée Lachaud.

According to the World Bank, energy and food prices are expected to remain high at least until 2024. “This is the rather gloomy conclusion of a report that was carried out by the institution”, comments journalist Dorothée Lachaud, present, Wednesday, April 27, on the set of 19/20. Food is the first sector affected. “Agricultural commodities have soared this year, + 80% on average. This is the biggest shock to commodities since the 1970s”continues the journalist.

Both Russia and Ukraine are among the main producers of cereals and sunflower oil in the world. The World Bank also predicts an increase “by more than 50%” energy prices in 2022, before a gradual decline in 2023 and 2024. “Last month alone, energy prices were four times higher than at the same time in 2020”explains the journalist.

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