Rishi Sunak announces his candidacy to be Prime Minister

One step closer to 10 Downing Street? After the resignation of Liz Truss, the former British finance minister, Rishi Sunak, announced on Twitter his candidacy to become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sunday October 23.

“The UK is a great country, but we are facing a deep economic crisis”he wrote on the social network. “I am running to be the leader of the Conservative Party and your next Prime Minister”adds the conservative parliamentarian.

“I want to fix our economy, unite our party and perform for our country. (…) The challenges we face today are even greater (than when he was Minister of Finance). But the opportunities – if we get it right – are phenomenal.” defend Rishi Sunak.

The former finance minister has exceeded the threshold of 100 sponsorships required to be a candidate for the head of the Conservative Party across the Channel, and so replace Liz Truss, Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood announced on Friday.

The elected Conservatives vying for the head of the party have until Monday, 2 p.m. local time, to collect the sponsorship of deputies. The latter will then have to either agree on a single name, or on two personalities that the 170,000 members of the Conservative Party will have to decide between, by an online vote until October 28.

The day after the resignation of the Prime Minister after only 45 days in power, three names in particular emerged for this blitz within the right-wing party: the current Minister for Relations with Parliament Penny Mordaunt, Rishi Sunak, who lost in early September against Liz Truss, and former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Penny Mordaunt was the first, on Friday, to formalize the fact of being in the running to succeed Liz Truss.

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