Rise in the price of milk | Dairy producers call for a break

(Ottawa) Dairy Farmers of Canada is recommending that the next farm milk price adjustment be delayed due to continued food inflation and pressure on the food industry to stabilize prices.

In a statement posted on its website Friday, Dairy Farmers of Canada president David Wiens announced that the organization is recommending that the Canadian Dairy Commission postpone any milk price adjustments until further notice.

The recommendation comes after the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers called last week for a pause in any further increases in milk prices.

The Canadian Dairy Commission reviews, each fall, the price paid to dairy producers for their milk and announces whether this price will increase or decrease the following February.

This year, the Crown corporation’s calculations determined that prices could increase by 1.77% in February.

However, if one or more stakeholders invoke the “exceptional circumstances mechanism”, as independent grocers have done, the price adjustment will instead be set through consultations.

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