Riots after the death of Nahel: Élisabeth Borne presents a battery of social measures


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Riots after the death of Nahel: Élisabeth Borne presents a battery of social measures

Riots after the death of Nahel: Élisabeth Borne presents a battery of social measures – (franceinfo)

Friday October 27, Élisabeth Borne unveiled a series of social measures to combat urban violence. What should we remember? We take stock.

After the security aspect, Élisabeth Borne tackles social measures for priority neighborhoods. Several subjects are on the table with one objective: to resolve problems linked to housing, employment, education and discrimination. To achieve this, the government wants to accelerate the renovation of degraded condominiums and promote diversity in schools. As announced by Emmanuel Macron last June, the government wants to allow the opening of colleges from mid-August in the neighborhoods and extend hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A republican action force

On the work side, an envelope of 100 million euros in favor of integration associations should be announced. On the ground, the republican action force, made up of police officers and educational and judicial personnel, will be deployed to deal with security difficulties. A highly anticipated meeting in Chanteloup-les-Vignes (Yvelines), where half of the inhabitants live in working-class neighborhoods. On Friday October 27, the Prime Minister met with local stakeholders and traders in the city. This new battery of measures complements those announced Thursday afternoon.

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