Rimbaud’Tech helps innovative entrepreneurs in Charleville-Mézières

How to promote innovative entrepreneurship in the Ardennes?

Elements of response in this 17-minute program. Every day in A Great Team, France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne welcomes committed citizens who make the region shine.

The StarterClass is the network that allows you to quickly meet the right people, to set up files such as the regional stock exchange. It’s an undeniable saving of time and energy!

In this program to listen to via the player at the top of the page, Olivier Cattiaux receives Quentin Delaire Business Manager at Rimbaud’Tech and Innovact, Eric Gilbin Founder of the start-up Pop&Flow and Karina Braquet Marne-Ardennes coordinator for Reseau Entreprendre Champagne-Ardenne.

La Rimbaud Tech’ helps innovative entrepreneurs in Charleville-Mézières

Apply until February 28, 2022

Labeled Incubator of Excellence by the Grand-Est Region, Rimbaud’Tech is a non-profit association, financed by Ardenne Métropole, Caisse d’Epargne and the Grand Est Region.

The missions of the Ardennes historical incubator are:

• Make known, develop, promote and animate the regional ecosystem of innovative companies
• Create links / synergies between innovative companies and mature companies in the territory
• Enhance the attractiveness of the territory Detect and select projects, support ambitions
• Support project leaders in the start-up or development phase to enable them to carry out their project and obtain the expected financial profitability (autonomy)
• Provide tailor-made support, adapted to the challenges of each, by recognized professionals and experts in their field
• Offer comprehensive knowledge sharing
• Provide access to eligibility for funding such as the Regional Grant and other non-automatic funding, subject to final validation by funding institutions-organizations
• Enable companies to become patrons and reduce their tax risk

What support is provided?

The selected project leaders will benefit from intensive and qualitative support, supervised by experts from the innovative ecosystem. This accompaniment is sequenced. Depending on the progress of the project, the incubation period will therefore be very flexible.

For what kinds of projects ?

All types of projects are accepted, whether FinTech, DeepTech, innovative products, whether in sport, culture, medicine, health, environment, architecture, industry, digital, agri-food, etc.

Any profile can become a project leader!

Holder of an innovative project?

Young graduate, alone or in a team, with or without experience, employee or job seeker, etc. The only initial conditions are:
• Have an innovative idea
• Believe in your project
• Be dynamic, voluntary and motivated
• Setting up in the territory of the Ardennes
• Give yourself the means to fulfill your ambitions

La Rimbaud Tech' helps innovative entrepreneurs in Charleville-Mézières
La Rimbaud Tech’ helps innovative entrepreneurs in Charleville-Mézières

Apply until January 28, 2022 on rimbaud-tech.fr


The entire program to listen to via the player at the top of the page

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