Rihanna pregnant: confidences without filter on her pregnancy!

I think that’s the kind of mother I’m going to be, a psychopath!“Asked by the magazine She about her role as a mother-to-be, Rihanna has never been so outspoken. The 34-year-old singer, who will give birth in a few months to the most anticipated baby of the year, also took advantage of this interview to talk about her fears as a future mother and the models she would like to follow.

Comparing herself to the women of American reality TV The Real Housewives, she explains that the chic woman “who allows his children to be who they are” is a “inspiration for [elle]. However, she identifies even more with the one who ” can flatten you if you speak badly of his child“.”It really goes with my character!

The most famous pregnant woman in the world, she has in any case received thousands of advice all over the world. However, for her, the most relevant is still “sleep now“.”I wouldn’t really get any sleep afterwards, so I really need to enjoy it now before it becomes a thing of the past!“.

Magnificent, she continues to take care of her looks and highlights her growing belly. But when the magazine asks her for her secrets, she doesn’t really have any. “This is the effect of pregnancy! But there are also those days, girls, where you’re like, ‘Am I really going to have to get dressed?’ At that time, the make-up is simply for you to become a human being again.“.

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