Rihanna mom glued to her son: a relative of the star breaks the silence on her new life

On May 19, Rihanna gave birth to her first child, at the age of 34. A little boy who has since made his happiness. After a few days of silence, a relative of the couple Rihanna and ASAP Rocky gives news of the singer, to People. The star discovers the joys of motherhood and she and her companion “are doing well“in their new roles.”Being a new parent is of course an adjustment, but they are doing just fine.said the source to our colleagues. Their baby boy is in good health and Rihanna is in awe of him.

A mother already completely in love with her little boy. After having lived a pregnancy which has fully blossomed, the interpreter of Diamonds seems to love just as much if not more his life as a mom. “Meeting his son was of course also very special“, adds the source. And”Rihanna barely leaves him“, now. A young mother described as “fantastic“. Yes Badgalriri decided to give birth in Los Angeles because she has a huge house there with a garden. We thus learn that the star “likes to sit outside with her baby“. Happy alongside her son, Rihanna is therefore in no hurry to return to work. The Fenty business will have to wait.

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