Formerly General Manager of the Festival international du cinema francophone en Acadie (FICFA), Marc Gauthier had the opportunity to visit several cinema events in Quebec and elsewhere. But not at RIDM.
“Because RIDM is being held at the same time as FICFA,” he laughs. It is the irony of fate. But I learned over time that each festival has its audience that we have to get to know. ”
And that’s what he can’t wait to do with RIDM festival-goers, including the 24e edition takes place from November 10 to 21. After getting to know the members of his team, many of whom have recently arrived, Marc Gauthier will now meet the public, filmmakers and other documentary artists who will converge on Montreal.
In the short term, that’s fine for him. No way, he said, to turn everything upside down in a first year in office.
“What I said before I arrived is that, pandemic or not, it would have been a bit pretentious to come in and force all kinds of changes,” he says. Better to familiarize yourself with your team, the audience and the type of programming offered. ”

Marc Gauthier
Each festival has its own flavor and I want to immerse myself in that of RIDM. Once the first edition has passed, we can start to list ambitions and go further.
Marc Gauthier, Director General of RIDM
The pandemic, in fact, is not over. All the more reason not to upset anything, says Mr. Gauthier. Moreover, this 24e edition will include, as last year, an online component.
In the medium term, however, the new CEO is showing his preference for the room.
“There are certainly advantages to having a hybrid edition, but in the world of festivals as we know it and with our structures, it is very expensive. A festival is also a social event. So, to say to yourself that it’s okay to live it in front of your TV seems a little strange to me… ”
A “conversation is planned” on the subject from the start of 2022, he adds.
“A field guy”
Born in a village in northwestern New Brunswick, Marc Gauthier moved to Moncton to study logistics. Subsequently, he enrolled in university to do a bachelor’s degree in translation. In July 2003, between his second and third year of study, he obtained a summer job at FICFA. And he never looked back.
“I stumbled into the cinema a bit like a stray dog,” he says nicely. After two weeks at FICFA, I had my first promotion. After three and a half months, I was the only employee. I became the general manager in 2013. For the organization of a film festival, I am very self-taught. ”
He also says he remains humble in his own definition of cinephile. “I am not a film historian, but an organizer. I love movies, but I’m like the person who says, I love cars, but I’m not a mechanic. That’s it: I’m not a mechanic. ”
For the organization, on the other hand, he is proud of the projects carried out during his years at FICFA, such as the installation in a new room, the purchase of equipment and the creation of a partnership with two Quebec events, REGARD and the late Quebec City Film Festival, for equipment sharing.
“Marc Gauthier is a guy in the field as much as an experienced manager,” says Danny Lennon, programmer and great expert in short films in Quebec. For two decades, Marc has demonstrated a unifying approach, which always places cinema and creators in the foreground, ahead of the rest. And that is essential to ensure the sustainability and development of a festival. ”
Mr. Lennon also reminds us that Marc Gauthier received, a year ago, the insignia of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres awarded by the Consulate General of France in the Atlantic provinces. “The RIDM are lucky to have got their hands on him, since he was also coveted by several organizations. ”
The 24e RIDM edition takes place from November 10 to 21 with an online component from November 14 to 25.
Visit the RIDM website
Three favorites from Marc Gauthier at the RIDMs
Outside Serge outside by Pier-Luc Latulippe and Martin Fournier
“When I was younger, I did not speak French and, at home, we were not exposed to Quebec culture in general. But Serge Thériault was a familiar figure. I did not know her current situation before hearing about this film and after viewing I think this portrait was done with great respect. ”
November 13 at 6 p.m. at the Cinéma du Musée, and online from November 14 to 17
Cow by Andrea Arnold

In Cow, we follow the life cycle of a dairy cow.
“She is among others the director ofAmerican Honey and when a fiction director takes the trouble to sign a first documentary in her career, we understand that it is out of passion. In Cow, we follow the life cycle of a dairy cow. It is incredibly strong. We are captivated here by something that seems innocuous. ”
November 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cinéma du Musée (no online screening)
Gorbachev. Heaven by Vitaly Mansky

A scene from Gorbachev. Heaven
“I have a great love for history and I consider Gorbachev to be the most misunderstood head of state of the XXe century. In addition, the director has a mixed relationship with the old regime. Knowing what I know about Gorbachev, I think the events of his administration had a direct impact on Mansky’s life. We can feel it in his signature. ”
November 15 at 6 p.m. at the Cinéma du Musée, and online from November 18 to 21