“Ridiculous”, “I’m going to vomit”, “she can’t do her business normally”… Amber Heard knocked out by internet users after winning a great distinction!

Here is a news that could improve the mood of Amber Heard. Big loser in her confrontation in court against Johnny Depp, to whom she owes 10 million dollars, the actress was voted the most beautiful face in the world, according to scientists as reported RTL !

How was this established? They used a method to determine the perfect symmetry of a face on the star, named “Greek Golden Number of Beauty”. Amber Heard’s face “was tested and it turns out that she reached a score of 91.85% perfection in terms of symmetry when she was 30 years old (she is 36 today, editor’s note)”. Other celebrities were cited. In effect, “This technology was also able to determine that Kim Kardashian had ‘perfect’ eyebrows and Scarlett Johansson had ‘perfect’ eyes. Emily Ratajkowski’s lips and Kate Moss’ forehead were also rated as ‘perfect’.”

Information that has quite annoyed Internet users!

“Studies, what a waste of time and surely money”, “Omg I’m going to vomit”, “There is no doubt about her beauty… but obviously that’s not everything”, “They took a photoshopped photo to do their analysis there??”, “You shouldn’t lie like that”, “It’s catastrophic that studies like that exist”, “Ridiculous”, “So there are scientists who are paid to do this kind of uninteresting bullshit”, “She is super beautiful, we can’t deny it, too bad she’s not sane “, “Still the same standards of beauty, aren’t they tired?”, “More beautiful face and can’t manage to defecate normally”, “It’s ridiculous as a study. As if we gave a fuck, what are these serious studies for”, “Too bad she’s crazy”, “Whether she’s beautiful or not doesn’t change the fact that she’s an abject person”could we read in the comments on social networks.

See also: Amber Heard: Her 15 spellbinding appearances!

Frederic Faussurier

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