Richard Ferrand “does not believe” that Emmanuel Macron should accelerate his campaign entry


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The President of the National Assembly was received Tuesday evening in “Your political guest” on franceinfo.

Should Emmanuel Macron accelerate his entry into the campaign given the breakthrough in the polls of Valérie Pécresse? “I do not believe that”, replied Richard Ferrand, President of the National Assembly, Tuesday, December 7, in the program “Your political guest” on franceinfo. “The President of the Republic, he must preside over our country and he must preside over the European Union, for the next six months, he explained. There are priorities. “

“We must tell the French why we are presenting and representing ourselves. From my point of view, we must avoid any unnecessary controversy, any verbal or other violence as we see it flourish today.”

Richard Ferrand, President of the National Assembly

on franceinfo

The member for Finistère was invited to react to an Elabe poll for BFMTV and The Express which gives Valérie Pécresse winner in the second round against Emmanuel Macron. “She, she wants to recompose a camp. We, we want the gathering by going beyond. This is how Edouard Philippe, a right-wing man, is part of our majority, just like centrists like François Bayrou, just like men and left-wing women like myself “, argued Richard Ferrand.

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