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We make jams, but not only. Rhubarb is back, especially on Alsatian markets. For market gardeners, it’s a way of diversifying their production and, for chefs, an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
Every spring, rhubarb makes its comeback. It is a very popular vegetable in the east of France. Damien Fischer, market gardener, harvests 80 acres, and harvests the petioles by hand. It is only a small part of the activity of his farm, but an essential complement. The first stems have been sold since the end of April, 5 euros per kilo. Individuals and restaurants are fond of it.
In the starred restaurant Le 7ème Continent, in Rixheim (Haut-Rhin), chef Laurent Haller creates an original dessert: coconut calisson biscuit, mango sorbet and rhubarb. “There are three ways of rhubarb: in a coulis, confit and in a mousse”, explains the chef. He also uses this vegetable to revisit savory recipes, such as raw vegetables with asparagus and smoked eel. The rhubarb season continues until mid-June. Be careful not to eat its leaves because they are poisonous.