Rhubarb Festival and garage sale on June 5, 2022 in Montrequienne!

2nd Rhubarb Festival and 8th garage sale on June 5, 2022: A gourmet event with France Bleu Lorraine.

the Rurange-lès-Thionville festival committeeMontrequienne, Lognes and the municipality organize the traditional garage sale and the rhubarb for the second year.

The opportunity to introduce this vegetable from the Polygonaceae family and this celebration to the general public which last year for the 1st edition met with great success (more than 2000 visitors, 180 exhibitors, 36 rhubarb pies, 30 jars of jam, several liters of rhubarb juice.

An event for the whole family! June 5th in Ruranges lès Thionville!

Every spring, rhubarbs appear, an ideal ingredient for concocting good desserts as well.

There will also be snacks, refreshments and of course rhubarb with all its derivatives, pies, jams, wines, etc…

On this occasion, a garage sale, where more than two hundred exhibitorswill delight collectors, lovers of antiques and toys, it will take place in Saint-Laurent, Jacques-Prévert and Paul-Verlaine streets, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

useful information :

From 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / free entry.

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