revisited serial credits and a pioneering aviator on the boards




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In the 23h de franceinfo, culture journalist Isabelle Layer offers three current cultural objects to (re) discover, including an album revisiting the credits of television series.

After revisiting the classics, then modern music, the sisters Berthollet tackle this time the television series, always provided with their instruments. In this album composed of 23 tracks, you will be able to listen to your favorite credits again, like Game of Thrones, La Casa de Papel, the Pink Panther …

At the theatre the Lucernaire (Paris), until January 2, you will be able to see the king of the Pâqueretyour. This is the story of Louis Blériot, one of the pioneers of French aviation who wanted to be the first man to fly over the English Channel. Problem, his many attempts are unsuccessful and his plane often falls, 31 times in total, from where the nickname of king of the daisies which is affublished to him.

For clown lovers, culture journalist Isabelle Layer has found an eponymous book by Pascal Jacob, published by Seuil and BnF editions. We learn in particular that clowns have been around for 4,500 years before Jesus Christ. At the time, they were called Atellanes. The opportunity to expand your knowledge on the subject because the book traces the entire history of this timeless figure up to contemporary times.

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