Revision of the EU treaties, “European political community”… In Strasbourg, Emmanuel Macron unveils his proposals for Europe

This is his project for Europe. In a speech delivered Monday, May 9 in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron made several proposals to reform the European Union and beyond the political organization of the European continent.

The President said he was in favor of a “treaty review” of the EU. We will have to reform our texts, that is obvious. One of the ways of this reform is the convening of a treaty revision convention. This is a proposal from the European Parliament and I approve of it.”declared the French president, proposing that the leaders of the 27 discuss it at their summit in June.

He also called for the creation of a “European political community” to welcome Ukraine in particular, in parallel with an EU accession procedure which would take “decades”.“This new European organization would allow democratic European nations adhering to our core values ​​to find a new space for political cooperation, security and cooperation”declared Emmanuel Macron on the occasion of the closing of the Conference on the future of Europe.

The implementation of these projects promises to be perilous. Thirteen of the 27 EU countries oppose the revision of the treaties. “We are not in favor of reckless and premature attempts to launch” such a procedure, write these countries, including Poland, Romania and Finland, according to a text posted Monday on Twitter by Sweden, also a signatory.

“We already have a functioning Europe” as shown by the Covid-19 pandemic and the response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and “we must not rush to make institutional reforms”, they warn. The text was also signed by Denmark, Malta, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).

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