Review: “Topsy-turvy 2” is WOW!

The first upside down was already excellent, but the second one is even better! Pixar and Disney have once again succeeded in delivering a funny and touching film, full of twists and turns and which will please both children and adults.

What is it about ?

Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger are the five emotions that form the personality of Riley, a 13-year-old girl. While Riley and her two best friends are invited to a hockey camp, something unexpected happens: Riley hits puberty. Puberty is a period during which our body changes, during adolescence. Basically, you grow up and become an adult. But puberty means new emotions! Boredom, Embarrassment, Envy and above all Anxiety arrive, causing chaos in Riley’s head!

A film full of excellent ideas

Pixar and Disney films are known for their original stories. This is the case with Topsy-turvy 2. An example? Showing Riley going through puberty on screen is not easy. The writers decided to represent puberty by a team of demolition workers. They’re coming to destroy everything in the control room of Riley’s brain! It’s super funny and it’s a brilliant idea, because for many people, puberty is a real upheaval!

A film that speaks to us all

The strength of this film is that it deals with a subject that speaks to everyone: the difficulty of managing one’s emotions. Throughout our lives, we go through trials, happier moments and sadder ones. We experience failures, successes, moments of doubt. We have to constantly juggle all of this. Some people have difficulty experiencing their emotions, others are better at it, but it’s not easy for anyone!

This film is like little reminders: “You have the right to be angry”, “It doesn’t matter if you cry, on the contrary, it feels good! », “It’s normal to have doubts”, etc. It’s true ! These emotions are part of our personality. The important thing is to stay yourself and learn to live with them. That’s a bit of the message of the film. I really advise you to go see it, I had a great time!

And you ? Would you like to go see this film?

Emeric Épaud, The Aces of Info

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