Review — “The nights advance like armored trucks on the girls”, Viviane Audet

Viviane Audet the actress? The composer of film music? It’s hard to be multiple in people’s minds. Here they are all, united and united, this time in support of Viviane the singer, her words, her melodies. We find the one who, according to the latest news in 2014, was in The Hurricane Corridor, survival scrapbook. Nine years later, it emerges on the front line, at the forefront of all battles: the album with the terrible title is resistance and counter-attack. Vigorous guitars and orchestral explosions to carry the words. Interludes on the piano to feed on the beautiful. It is conjugated to you: it says how men kill. “Do you know the end of the scary movie? she asks in the wolves. “It won’t do you any good not to exist”, she replies in you can fall. When arrives great seathe horizon opens onto the ocean: “You crumbled the wind / One tenderness at a time […] We are a thousand in your heart. True strength is always gentle.

Click here for an excerpt.

The nights roll on like armored trucks on the girls



Viviane Audet, Headquarters

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