Review of Trouble the Water from Show Me the Body | Rabies inclusive

Rarely does a hardcore band allow youth from all walks of life — and from all communities — an inclusive, even happy outlet. It is this tour de force that, show after show, Show Me the Body (SMTB), a New York trio which offers, with the album Trouble the Watera real auditory release… where the banjo holds the top spot among the instruments heard.

Posted at 2:44 p.m.

Philippe Beauchemin

Philippe Beauchemin
The Press

It is therefore under the pinched chords of Julian Cashwan Pratt that the charm operates. And under his angry voice — of course — which throws phrases such as:

Humidity makes the police stupid, they’ll kill some if they can. I don’t regret violence, but I try to remember the plan. Build some, fight for none. Love and respect come and fuck with the set one.

Lyrics of Loose Talkwhich opens the album

Or :

I see hate, see love. Don’t need help to remember, I trouble the water, I turnwater to blood.

Lyrics of Trouble the Waterwhich concludes the disc

Police violence, isolation, mental health, savage capitalism, class clashes, immigration. These topical subjects are treated without nuance on the 12 tracks of the album. For SMTB, everything is black or white, with no possible gray area. In this apocalyptic world, you have to find a balance so as not to sink, explains Cashwan Pratt. fight to push back forces of evilof course, but you also have to find the time to dance and to fuck!

Trouble the Water is intended as a homily for the left behind and for a protesting youth in search of a place in the sun. Musically, from the intro to the conclusion, we swim in an underground hardcore noise, violent, which flirts with the codes of rap.

With its musical originality, its punk approach, its mix of genres and the community inclusion of its audience, SMTB reminds us of the golden years of Korn or, to a lesser extent, Rage Against the Machine. Like the contribution of these two important hardcore music groups, we want SMTB to come out of the shadows and be heard by a wide audience. It remains to be seen if Trouble the Water will allow him to begin this new chapter.

Trouble the Water


Trouble the Water

Show Me the Body

Loma Vista Recording


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