The actress Charlotte Aubin took her first poetic steps in 2018, with Lot of trouble. She does it again with All or allin which she focuses on romantic breakups, insecurities and the quest for self.
Far from lyrical flights of fancy, Aubin chooses a down-to-earth, even cynical, language. She places herself as a lucid observer of her own vulnerabilities, while offering a mirror to those who experience similar emotions.
His poetry is striking in its simplicity. There is no detour to embellish reality; the words are raw, unvarnished, like a balm of truth applied to still raw wounds. “We bought cushions / we argued / we ran out of electricity / and two or three good opportunities to keep quiet. » Readers will find immediate resonance: the breakup, the pain, the doubts: everything is delivered without filter. This controlled brutality gives his texts a therapeutic dimension.
Aubin takes us through his intimate reflections, but in a style that remains close, accessible, and above all universal. “The nuances of the world / are stuck in the shafts / of storms and traffic. » His tone, sometimes provocative, reflects a certain rebellion in the face of social and romantic expectations. But behind this facade, there is a call for greater honesty, with oneself and with others.

All or all
Del Busso
87 pages