Review of the Beijing Games | The authenticity of athletes

(Zhangjiakou) “Are you okay? Your toes aren’t too cold? The questions do not come from journalists. It is rather an athlete, Simon d’Artois, who addresses the reporters. In the mixed zone, the Olympians express themselves with surprising authenticity.

Posted at 1:00 p.m.

Emilie Bilodeau

Emilie Bilodeau
The Press

” Salvation ! How are you ? said Sébastien Toutant, the seven-time X Games medalist. He had just completed 8and out of 12 in the acrobatic descent qualifications.

“Uh, you, how are you after your two runs? “retorted the journalists, a little surprised.

In the mountains, the snowboarder never seemed in a hurry to run away after practice, qualifying or the freestyle downhill final where he finished ninth.

“I am blessed to live the Olympic experience. It’s my third Games and there aren’t many people who have the chance to experience this in a lifetime, ”he said to explain his smile.

PyeongChang gold medalist in ski cross Brady Leman went on an interview tour after his sixth place finish at Genting Snow Park. After 20 minutes in the mixed zone, a spokeswoman interrupted reporters so the Canadian skier could warm up and rest.

“No, no, it’s fine,” said the athlete, patient.

Same thing with Mikaël Kingsbury: when the same spokesperson wanted to end the interviews, the athlete from Deux-Montagnes opposed it. He still had juice to talk to reporters.

The media were not invited to the last practice of the Canadian ski cross team. Jared Schmidt and his sister Hannah, who ski at Mont Tremblant, still agreed to take a few minutes to answer questions. The only condition set by Jared: do the interview in the sun to prevent him from getting cold.

Jules Burnotte, he threw us straight out: “If you cover events where you win medals, don’t come see me. Lucky we didn’t listen, because the men’s team broke a Canadian record in the biathlon relay.

The Sherbrooke athlete ended each of his interviews by thanking the journalists for being present at his events.

Saturday, after the 30 km race in cross-country skiing (the 50 km was reduced due to the weather), the Quebec cross-country skiers, disappointed with their day, cried in front of our colleague Simon Drouin.

Foreign athletes are also generous. Norwegian Alessandro Hämmerle, who had finished his interviews, still took a few minutes at the end of the mixed zone to praise Quebec snowboarder Éliot Grondin. His publicist was glaring behind him. Hämmerle finished first in snowboard cross; Gurnard, second.

The athletes make us experience sporting exploits at the Games, but they also make us experience moments filled with authenticity.

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