Review of the album “With Love”, by FABjustfab

FABjustfab, formerly of Random Recipe, is taking a bold leap into the unknown. With Love evokes love and healing through pictorial metaphors, inspired by nature and gluttony. Each piece thus invites reflection on the expression of emotions with a languorous approach. SQUEEZE ME, The Potion And Cuddlefish captivate, for example, thanks to their bubbling atmosphere, but they are Kiwis And Get Closer which are particularly distinguished by their beat captivating from which a biting sensuality emerges. These tracks perfectly illustrate the essence of the album: a mixture of hip-hop, funk and R&B rhythms coupled with subtle and cheeky writing. The record — with modern production, but still with nostalgic touches of the 2000s — is intended to be a collaborative experience, enriched by artists from various backgrounds (Slim Williams and France Basilic, in particular). With With LoveFABjustfab reveals, in fact, a personal universe where love is much more than romantic.

With Love

★★★ 1/2

FABjustfab, independent

To watch on video

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