Review of the album “PUST”, PUST

It’s fascinating to measure the amount of decibels and harshness that just two musicians can produce when they find themselves playing together on the same wavelength. The first eponymous EP from the young duo PUST arrives, made up of two veterans, Benoît Poirier from Jesuslesfilles on drums and “mouthing” and Simon Doucet-Carrière (from the stoner rock trio Birmani) on guitars. Five songs packed into eleven short minutes which sound surprisingly good for a duo claiming to follow the absurd and sarcastic tangent of this rock flavor that we call egg punk. To read titles like The future from behind, Screaming fire in guns and the extract The box’s fault — not Pandora’s, but Schrödinger’s: “So if you’re not sure about your shot / Put it down because it’s the cat’s fault / Maybe it was in its box / Maybe it wasn’t even there” —, we immediately understand that this project is a necessary outlet for the absurd violence of the world, an intuition validated by listening to the unbridled interpretation of these songs. Launch on July 13 at the Esco.

Click here to view an excerpt.


★★★ 1/2

PUST, independent

To watch on video

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