And if the bearded men of The Band had been fascinated not by the imaginary of the American Civil War, but by that of the war that the ordinary man wages against himself every day in order not to be swallowed up by the banality ?
They might have recorded an album similar to Prudence is Denise Goyette brothers.
“Dreams often hold that with a tie wrap / magic sometimes leads us to the scrapyard”, philosopher Simon Laganière, alias Mario Goyette, in soap box. Two phrases that perfectly sum up this style specific to the famous Champlain family in the Mauricie region: planting the theater with their little rural portraits in a setting of a prosaic nature bordering on the supernatural, the better to explore vast questions. In this case, that of what one sacrifices to oneself, in the hope of transcending monotony.
Entitled Prudence is Denisea joke that Laganière launches to his comrades when he leaves them at the end of a rehearsal, the fifth disc of the most authentic false brothers of the province meditates on great themes while once again pretending nothing: the force of nature whose the wind “ruffles the bald spots” (Wizard of Oz), the relationship of the living to the dead (Bad medium) and the power of the masks that we put on in order to give ourselves the courage to face the day (Far from the rag).
Thanks to an Americana better dressed than ever, this short album (six songs and three pretty moriconnesque interludes signed Yannick Lambert-Brière) reminds us above all that Simon Laganière is one of the most underestimated songwriters of his generation, the story having rarely been generous towards those who put on their poetry the clothes of zaniness.
Who other than him could tear us a tear by singing the resistance of large boats? baptized sea pontoonthe piece de resistance of Prudence is Denisea ridiculously poignant duet with Karl Tremblay of Les Cowboys Fringants, gives itself the air of a nautical power ballad, but is perhaps less about boats than about this great solo voyage that awaits us at the end of the quay of life.
Caution is the mother of safety ? The loyal tenacity of the Goyettes has been the mother of improbable beauty for more than 15 years.

Prudence is Denise
The Goyette brothers
well done music