On Napoleon’s white horse, Lary Kidd plays more than ever the role of Young Man, an excessive character in every way, with speech that is both presumptuous and ignorant. “The opposite of a model citizen”, as simply described on Speak White.
This piece, the second of 11, begins with the words of Michèle Lalonde who recites her famous text. Lary completely diverts its meaning by devoting his to cocaine. As Obia the Chief has just done on Pure woolLary deploys an impressive lexical field to describe the substance that finally got the better of Tony Montana.
THE coke rap is not limited to this song. In fact, it is omnipresent. Even if hard drugs are not always mentioned, the lifestyle associated with them is highlighted. Ostentatious wealth, pretty girls, nightlife, guns. “I am the Quebec nightmare,” summarizes Lary on Little pigwhich is enhanced with a verse from Fléau Dicaprio, a rapper who also excels in the art of carefully expressed vulgarity.
Only two other MCs, but not the least, received invitations: Loud and the Parisian of Gabonese origin Benjamin Epps. The two old friends meet again in a beautiful way on Yes sir. They exchange series of four stanzas in which they recall their successes. Loud Lary Ajust will tour several cities in Quebec during the summer to celebrate the 10e birthday of Blue Volvo. What are you talking about ? benefits from an effective text by Benjamin Epps and a beat very heavy from Danny Ill.
Napoleon’s white horse sounds particularly good. The voices are clear, the percussions thump, the bass vibrates. The work of Tim Buron and Gabriel Meunier, respectively on the mix and the matrix, deserves to be highlighted. That of Ajust, who made the entire record with a few helping hands, too. He has created a variety of atmospheres that fit perfectly with the “no-nothing” attitude. Belle and Bum for a real bum” by Lary. The ghosts of SOCANwho could live in a haunted house, the guitars on the “lean” of Moishes Riopelle and the groove retro twilight So Cold stand out.
Experiences drumless Freestyle fashion magazines And drill What’s the drilly ? have convinced us less, but are far from being failures. The last excerpt, Obtuse angle, could very well be a summer hit, but its presence on Napoleon’s white horse detonates. Its luminous atmosphere is far from the menacing bird cries of Mobb Deep which open the album.
Lary Kidd will be performing at the Foufounes Électriques on June 13 and 14, as part of the Francos de Montréal. He will be preceded by Fléau Dicaprio accompanied by Obia the Chief.
Extract of The ghosts of SOCAN

Napoleon’s white horse
Larry Kidd
Coyote Records