Her false naivety and her unusual sense of self-deprecation allow Rosalie Vaillancourt to put together, with her second solo show MILFa comically quirky, unique and successful performance.
No one can blame Rosalie Vaillancourt for talking “too much” about motherhood. She could have done it and it would probably have been very good, since each time she broached the subject on Tuesday evening, during her premiere at the Gesù, laughter erupted in the room. She would obviously have had every legitimacy to do so, since among the big changes in her life since her last solo show, there was, probably at the top of the list, the arrival of her daughter. The comedian went from child king (the title of his previous show) to milf (English acronym, mother I’d like to fuck) a mother who always arouses sexual desire and, above all, who knows how to take charge of it. And this transition is part of what she tells us in this new show (even if we suspect that the child king side never really leaves said child). But rather than making this milf status the whole essence of her proposal, she touched on the subject, returned to it from time to time, but mainly talked about several other related things.
As if to ensure she has the crowd’s attention from the start, she starts the show loudly, perhaps a little too loudly, with a few gags that won’t turn out to be her best (without being naughty either). . Then, his story is woven and consolidated. She talks about breastfeeding and explains that she loved everything about pregnancy and her first encounter with motherhood, up until this point. We won’t say too much, but while she claims that everything she says in her show is true, that she is “not a comedian”, but rather a “journalist”, the visual evidence that she brings on stage sums up the substance of her humor well: without filter, feigning naivety and frankly surprising.
Once her rhythm was established, Rosalie Vaillancourt was captivating. Not because she tried to deliver punches often, but because she knew how to deliver her punches where they were least expected. Often, in the middle of a sentence, an absurdity comes out of his mouth and we laugh in surprise and heartily. These enormities stated as normalities are at the heart of this show during which she talks about her new life as a mother, her family relationships (in particular with her sister, a recurring subject), her relationship (her partner regularly takes it for his grade), his suburban life, sex, but also his severe ADHD, his dyslexia and a few other disorders that don’t make his life any easier.
Rosalie Vaillancourt confides that she was “late all [sa] life “. She talks about what her difficulties made her experience and feel, without heaviness, but with candid sincerity. These moments are among the most brilliant of the show and we are even a little disappointed that she does not take them even further, continuing to tell what her fear of being a burden or of having an intellectual disability did to her live. The comedian is skillful in the way he talks about serious subjects while keeping his tone half-absurd, half-frank, often triggering big laughs in the room. Like when she says that her daughter did not choose a life in the public eye, an important issue, which she dissects with anecdotes and jokes.
Absurd, but frank

Rosalie Vaillancourt
If she still has a skipping step and a childish tone, Rosalie Vaillancourt, even at the time ofChild king, has never missed an opportunity to address subjects like sexuality and to do so with an immodesty that mixes terribly well with candor. Her tone is sometimes sloppy, towards the public or towards the people she talks about, without it being overdone. His awkward gestures and laughter, his sometimes childish enunciation, as well as his frequent imitations, are unique to him. It’s the Rosalie Vaillancourt touch, between the absurd, the childishness and the outspokenness.
If it is never pleasant for a telephone to ring in the middle of a show, the moment when it happened during the premiere allowed us to see the good sense of the humorist’s repartee, who knew how to illustrate everything that she told us about her own personality during a short improvised moment.
Later, she will use props for the number that made the audience laugh the most, during which she explains having made compulsive purchases that are difficult to justify. Again, no fear of ridicule here. And that’s good. Rosalie Vaillancourt talks about her bedwetting as she talks about her strategy to avoid getting pregnant, writing her will, the challenges of daycare (where she obtained a place through harassment) or her marriage proposal : without restraint.
Tuesday evening, her husband, Olivier, was waiting for the public at the exit of the room to offer them some homemade popcorn that we were promised and that we were guaranteed that we would get without having to lavish favors (sexual, you you doubt it) which she gives him in exchange. Until the very end, Rosalie Vaillancourt (at the expense, but also with the help of her partner) will have entertained us. You will have to see the show to understand (and laugh).

On tour in Quebec