This second album by the actress and now singer Evelyne Brochu has, like her first, an air of déjà vu. Whether they flirt with eigthies pop or the French romantic pop of the 60s, his songs all have a certain something familiar on a melodic level, due to the general tone or manner. Something that makes you stick to it effortlessly.
Much of the credit goes to Félix Dyotte (formerly of Chinatown, also collaborator of Pierre Lapointe), who remains the principal architect of The danger. Close to Evelyne Brochu since early adulthood, the author, composer and director once again serves her tunes imbued with elegant melancholy and places them in charming, sometimes sensual settings. Too clever to be satisfied with direct borrowings, he evokes the past without denying his contemporary sensitivity.
Evelyne Brochu herself asserts herself more on this second disc. This is noticeable in his more assured singing, in the sometimes more frankly pop approach (Another life), but also in the lyrics. She actually signs a large part of the texts, revealing a pen of great finesse. Whether the verb tends towards poetic impulses or simplicity, everything here is obvious, everything flows from source.
There is color and discreet gilding in these songs. Clouds that hover too. Above all, there is a communicative sensitivity, more immodest than before, but without being crude, and a something that is comfortable and welcoming despite the vagueness in the soul. This record will magnificently accompany the autumn days that are coming and we have a feeling that it will follow us well beyond.

The danger
Evelyne Brochu
Bravo Music