Calling all fans of metallic post-rock, all those who like the slow construction of slender pieces and all lovers of crescendos and discordant harmonies: the Montreal group Milanku will make your musical spring shine.
The five pieces united under the title ofAt dawnthe quintet’s fourth essay, allow us to hear the guys’ musical seriousness.
Already, The dogma of the simulacrumcharismatic intro track by Movement of non-being & movement of the non-living, released in 2018, had drawn our ears to this local band which is enjoying, let’s say it, a slow growth in the shadow of the giant Godspeed You! Black Emperor, another Montreal group which is a master on the international stage – let’s be chauvinistic!
In the shadow of this giant of the genre, Milanku refined his approach at his own pace, and clung to the cries – driven mainly by Guillaume Chamberland – and the fat and strident guitars of the melodious, harmonic, slowly built arrangements.
And now rises today At dawna mature album, a firebrand with well-constructed strong messages (“ The fear/Towards the big void/Becomes the very essence/Of great sadness ”, on the opening piece, At dawn ; of their silence), but unfortunately not very audible; the Milanku sound barrier does not allow attentive listening to the texts. Yes, we would have liked to hear and understand the words shouted by Erika Angell (Thus Owl) on the last track, At dawn ; we disappeareda distinguished guest who feminizes this musical type, prerogative especially of the male gender.
We retain at the exit ofAt dawn this “Godspeedian” atmosphere, of course, but also this aggressiveness, this brutal urgency to be heard at Milanku. To come out of the shadows. Because it has something good to do for this “other” group from Montreal.

post rock metal
At dawn
Folivora Records