Review | “In full voice”: revealing oneself

Six women with six singular paths, questions and diverse reflections: this is what the documentary presents out loud signed Saida Ouchaou-Ozarowski.

How can we think for a single moment that there is only one Muslim woman, submissive and discreet? This is the question that the feature film tries to answer, which deconstructs one by one the prejudices about it.

“There is not one Muslim woman, but many Muslim women”, summarizes the author Monologues from the veilKenza Bennis, who acts as a speaker throughout the documentary, which will be broadcast on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

At his side, five other women, including a future mother and a comedian. In turn, they will reveal, through interviews, their reality and the way in which it diverges from the stereotypical representation of Muslim women portrayed in the media.

From Montreal to Vancouver via Toronto and New York, the documentary presents a plurality of points of view in the traditional style associated with this genre. Although far from being revolutionary in its form, the feature film is still punctuated with charming illustrations that allow you to visually cling to the too important discussion brought about by the report.

Giving a place to those who are so often judged and categorized, out loud allows you to look honestly, sensitively and devoid of biased and tendentious perceptions.

A documentary which allows an openness to the other with, as a finality, a better living together.

out loud

RDI, March 8, 8 p.m., and online at the same day

To see in video

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