Review — “But Here We Are,” Foo Fighters

With a good pair of binoculars, you could already see Foo Fighters fans from Montreal lining up at the entrance to the Plains for the concert that the group will give at the Festival d’été de Québec, on July 8. We exaggerate, but to the extent of the expectation with regard to Dave Grohl and his band, which present an eleventh album which will not suffer too much from the comparison with the best of their discography. There is life on this album, yet marked by the theme of death — that of Grohl’s mother on the ten minutes of The Teacher, the longest in the Fighters’ repertoire, that of drummer Taylor Hawkins of course, who died last year. Thus, Grohl resumes service behind the drums on this album much more inspired than the lukewarm Medicine at Midnighthis range of emotions being broadened by songs as diverse as the dapper Under You at the beginning of the album, which will be a hit in concert. On the more rebellious title track, Grohl roars the chorus with the same vigor as he displayed on the classic The Color and the Shape (1997).

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But Here We Are

★★★ 1/2


Foo Fighters, Roswell/RCA

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