revelations about his mysterious companion

Participation inThe Voice

several albums, full rooms during his shows, victories LOL, he who laughs comes out!

and the icing on the cake: the arrival of Alma on October 9, 2022. In short, Camille Lellouche living a waking dream. But she searched for this happiness for a long time. Indeed, the 37-year-old artist has experienced complicated moments during her life which she has never hesitated to put into song.

“In music, I talk a lot more about my experiences. Things that are sometimes so hard to say that it’s easier for me to talk about them through songs”she explained for example to Fresh Mag Paris before specifying that she has no shell with music.” “I always remain honest, both on the comedy scene and on the musical scene. But I don’t feel any barriers with music.”continues the artist.

Also see: “I drink too much”: Camille Lellouche “unhappy”, the comedian open-hearted about her problem… Unpublished confidences

Camille Lellouche preserves her companion for an obvious reason

Her pregnancy allowed her to change the way she worked. During this, for example, she composed very positive, very sunny songs” while this was not “not the case before meeting [son] spouse and before this pregnancy”. Indeed, in his latest titles, Camille Lellouche evokes Alma’s father whose identity she has always hidden. The singer and comedian makes it a point of honor to preserve her private sphere.

This is also why she never revealed the face of her little daughter, or her partner. In the columns of Ciné Télé Revue

, this Thursday, December 28, 2023, she indicates that she wants to preserve the two most important beings in her life from her notoriety. Especially since his half “wants to maintain his privacy”. “Not everyone wants to be famous, and you have to accept that.”, she confided to our colleagues. So we’re not close to knowing who it is.


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