revaluation social benefits, end of the postponed receipt, … What changes on April 1st


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

A. Peyrout, N. Leydier, D. Chevalier, A. Da Silva – France 3

France Televisions

Saturday April 1st marks the traditional changes that can change your daily life. Unemployment benefit and social benefits will be increased in particular.

Change for job seekers, from Saturday April 1st. To cope with inflation, Unedic agreed to a boost in the unemployment insurance allowance. It increased by 1.9%, a first while this allocation is usually revalued only once a year in July. Another increase for social benefits, in an attempt to offset the rise in prices: +1.6%. This will concern, for example, the RSA, the activity bonus or even family allowances. An increase considered welcome, but insufficient, by the associations.

The end of the receipt postponed

If you want to sell your property, you will now have to provide an energy audit. If the accommodation you are selling is category F or G, you will have to have it appraised to find out the amount of work to be done to make it less energy-consuming. This April 1 should also mark the end of the wood and fuel check. These aids, ranging from 50 to 200 euros, will finally be extended by one month for fuel oil, and two months for wood. Finally, the compulsory receipt, supposed to disappear today to avoid wasting paper, finally benefits from a reprieve until August 1st.

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