Revaluation of the minimum wage, climate ISF, right to vote at 16 years old… What is included in Anne Hidalgo’s program for the presidential election

His campaign is down. Since she applied for the presidential election in October, Anne Hidalgo has struggled to take off in the polls. The mayor of Paris is stagnating around 5% and worries the Socialists. His proposal to organize a primary on the left was not convincing since Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot refused it on several occasions. Faced with this end of inadmissibility, qualified internally as“incomprehensible” and of “conservative”, the socialist candidate has decided to chart her course and repeats at will that she “will go to the end”.

After an interview on France Inter Thursday, December 13, Anne Hidalgo unveiled her program at a press conference. With its 70 proposals for “unite France”, the elected Parisian hopes to relaunch her campaign and, finally, create a dynamic. Franceinfo recaps the main promises of Anne Hidalgo.

Raise wages and put an end to excessively large pay gaps

This is his first proposal. “As soon as I come to power, I will increase the minimum wage by 15% (which corresponds to 200 euros net more per month)”, writes the socialist candidate. The latter promises to organize “a conference on wages with employers’ organizations and trade unions” in order to initiate wage negotiations in companies so that “increased wages”, qualified as “absolute priority”, “favors the greatest number”.

Anne Hidalgo also intends to attack “to the indecent differences in remuneration” and proposes “to limit to 1 to 20 the maximum difference between the lowest and highest remuneration in companies”. She still assures that she will repeal the reform “unfair” unemployment insurance and that it will entrust “to the social partners to negotiate a universal unemployment insurance”. As for the legal retirement age, “it will be capped at the current 62 years”. The candidate also undertakes to revalue the small pensions, “by raising the net amounts of the minimum old age to 1,000 euros”.

Finally, Anne Hidalgo wants to create “‘a mini youth’ which will be open to young people over 18, subject to means” and grant a “capital endowment of 5,000 euros” with each new major “to allow him to finance his professional and personal projects”.

Create a fund for reindustrialisation and a housing “shield”

The socialist candidate proposes to create “a fund for reindustrialisation and local employment endowed with 3 billion euros” as well as’“a booklet for industrial development through ecology in order to direct French savings towards industrial projects that create jobs and decarbonize our economy”. To reindustrialize France, Anne Hidalgo wants “a national effort” around “four great odyssey” : health, energy, mobility and digital.

In terms of housing, she wants the establishment of a “shield” Who, “by an additional housing allowance under income conditions, will not spend more than a third of its income on housing”, writing Release.

Appoint a climate minister and set up a climate ISF

On the ecological side, Anne Hidalgo ensures that the “climate justice will guide” its action. It proposes to include in the Constitution “the protection of common goods, biodiversity, the principle of non-regression in the protection of the environment and the obligation to fight against global warming and the degradation of biodiversity”. The candidate also wants to create a “Defender of the environment” on the model of the Defender of Rights. She also intends to name “as number two in the government a Minister of Climate, Biodiversity and the Economy” and create “a solidarity tax on climate and biodiversity wealth”. “Investments linked to fossil fuels will be” so “surcharged”.

In terms of transport, the candidate includes in her program her intention to make electric vehicles accessible to individuals. “for a monthly cost lower than the expenses of a gasoline vehicle”, as well as the “deployment of a million additional electrical terminals”, in parallel with a “investment for the return of small lines, night trains and rail freight”.

On the energy side, Anne Hidalgo proposes to achieve “100% renewable energy, as quickly as possible” and ensures that he “there will be no construction of new EPRs or small nuclear reactors.” Near Release, the deputy Boris Vallaud, in charge of the socialist party project, specifies that the nuclear phase-out is fixed at the“horizon 2050”. The mayor of Paris also wishes “low carbon housing” thanks to “the climate bonus” Who “will allow the complete renovation of 760,000 private homes per year”.

Introduce the right to vote at 16, recognize the blank vote and reverse the electoral calendar

Regarding the institutional aspect, Anne Hidalgo wants to “of the referendum a normal mode of participation” with lowering “thresholds for the shared initiative referendum (RIP) at one million signatures” and “the creation of a citizens’ initiative referendum (RIC)”. To do this, “a departmental conference of participation will be created in each department to implement these possibilities in the exercise of local mandates.”

The candidate also wishes to establish “the right to vote at 16”, “the right to vote of foreigners in local elections” and taking into account the blank vote. Anne Hidalgo wants “to return to the original conception of the Fifth Republic” and ensures, for example, that “the use of ordinances will be strictly limited and the government will no longer be able to engage its responsibility to force the adoption of a text”, via article 49.3 in particular. The Socialist also defends an inversion of the electoral calendar, with legislative elections organized before the presidential election. She also wants a mixed voting system where part of the deputies would be elected by proportional representation.

Better pay teachers and eliminate Parcoursup

It was a proposal which had caused much ink to flow but which is not reflected in its program. Anne Hidalgo no longer wants “double the salary of teachers” as she had mentioned in September but increase their remuneration “gradually at the level of executives, starting with the start of their career”. The PS candidate also wants “the fight against bullying at school” that is “a subject of great mobilization of the five-year term”, by requiring that each case of harassment give rise to “to a response from the institution”.

Another important proposal: remove Parcoursup. However, it does not say what it intends to replace access to higher education with, other than “by transparent, fair and humane rules, previously validated by the supervisory authorities”.

Increase the number of doctors to fight against medical deserts

The health component promises to be another strong marker of Anne Hidalgo’s campaign. To fight against medical deserts, the mayor of Paris wants to increase the reception capacities of medical faculties in order to train up to “15,000 new doctors per year” but also 1,250 midwives, 25,000 nurses and orderlies, 5,000 logisticians, technicians and hospital workers. She also intends to register at the end of the internship course “a year of professionalization as an assistant doctor in medical deserts”.

Anne Hidalgo also ensures that she will implement “a great plan for the prevention and management of the chronic diseases that most affect our population”. Mental health will also be “a great cause” of his five-year term while “burn-out will be recognized as an occupational disease”.

Regarding the legalization of cannabis, the candidate only promises the organization of a “consensus conference” for “build consensus on this crucial subject”.

Create a Ministry of Women’s Rights and provide additional resources to justice

To fight against violence against women, Anne Hidalgo ensures that she will restore “a full-fledged ministry of women’s rights” which will be endowed with“a budget of 1 billion euros”. The councilor wants to be inspired by the Spanish model on the issue “which has the legislation recognized as the most effective in Europe”. Regarding the justice component, Anne Hidalgo promises the adoption of a five-year programming law adopted at the start of her mandate “in order to launch a recruitment plan for magistrates and clerks”.

In order to fight against discrimination, Anne Hidalgo also proposes to create “an observatory for the fight against discrimination” wheras’“a five-year plan to fight racism and anti-Semitism will be launched and steered by Dilcrah (interministerial delegation for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred)”.

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