Reunion: scientists try to unravel the mystery around the song of the whales


France 2

Article written by

A.Forget, A.Bhat, B. Goswami, S. Bhat, U.Cailloux – France 2

France Televisions

The very powerful song of whales has been analyzed by scientists for years. Their goal is to understand this dialogue, its strength and the cetacean migrations.

On Reunion Island, the song of whales emerges from the depths of the ocean. We started to hear a deep sound. It looked like he was stepping out of the boat. We quickly realized that a whale was singing under the boat ”, explains Adrian Fajeau, in charge of scientific studies, who already dreamed of observing cetaceans when he was a child.

For three years, Adrian Fajeau study the song of humpback whales. This morning, the scientist leaves to retrieve a submarine microphone. It allows us to observe the whole season and see everything that happens during the season”, Indicates the scientist. This microphone, which contains two months of data, is a treasure for scientists: it will allow weeks of analysis work. Tens of thousands of hours are indeed to listen and to dissect.


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