return to 90 km/h on departmental roads



Article written by

E. Bonnasse, A. Lopez, France 3 Rhônes-Alpes – France 3

France Televisions

Since Thursday September 1, the Ardéchois have again the right to press a little more on the accelerator. The maximum authorized speed becomes again that of 90 km/h. A measure that is not unanimous, even among motorists.

Here we go again at 90 km/h on the Ardèche roads. After four years of limitations at 80 km / h, the old panels came out of the cabinets, Thursday, September 1. “It is very good”says a driver. “Being a biker, I think it’s a very good idea, it helps to smooth the traffic”, adds a motorist. A measure that does not delight everyone, some find that the road is sometimes dangerous. “It was very good at 80”considers a countercurrent conductor.

Like the Ardèche, nearly half of the departments have returned to the measure taken by Édouard Philippe in 2018 and which came into force in 2019. Some have reintroduced 90 km/h everywhere, like the Ardèche, others have preferred to leave some portions at 80. Faced with criticism of the dangerousness of this speed on such roads, Olivier Amrane, president of the Departmental Council, points to other responsibilities. “We have a lot of accidents related to taking narcotics and alcohol”, he reveals, announcing a figure of 40%. Road safety estimates that when the 80 km / h were still compulsory throughout the territory, 349 lives were saved.

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