Return of the Nordics: Bettman would be happy to meet Legault or Girard

No official meeting is yet scheduled, but National Hockey League (NHL) Commissioner Gary Bettman is ready to meet with Premier François Legault or his representative to discuss a possible return of the Nordiques to Quebec, said a spokesperson for the organization.

NHL Senior Executive Vice President of Communications Gary Meagher has confirmed Mr. Bettman’s openness in this dossier put back on the agenda by Mr. Legault last week.

“No meeting has yet been arranged between the Commissioner and the Prime Minister but the Commissioner would be happy to meet the Prime Minister,” said the spokesperson.

Mr. Meagher affirmed that this opening also applied to the Minister of Finance, Eric Girard, designated by Mr. Legault as the bearer of the file.

Last Thursday, Mr. Legault said that Mr. Girard plans to meet with Mr. Bettman in January. The Prime Minister, who spoke to Mr. Bettman, had himself stressed that the Commissioner was open to a meeting.

A spokesperson for Mr. Girard, Fanny Beaudry-Campeau, said no date has yet been officially agreed with the NHL.

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