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Monday, December 27, the executive announced a return of indoor and outdoor gauges. One exception to this rule: political rallies. A privilege that makes the world of culture cringe.
From January 3, the concert halls will no longer be able to accommodate standing spectators with maximum capacity. For large indoor events, the government has opted for a maximum capacity of 2,000 people. However, political meetings are not affected. No restriction of people, no health pass required. The singer Julien Doré and the slammer Grand Corps Malade joked about this situation by declaring themselves “in meeting“instead of‘in concert“, on their tour posters.
On the plateau of 8h from France 2, Tuesday December 28, Prisca Thevenot, the spokesperson for LREM said politicians are free to set up gauges. She adds that the presidential party will also impose gauges. The candidate LR, Valérie Pécresse has given up on huge meetings for the moment. On the other hand, the health pass can in no case be required during a political rally.