Return of science | The duty

When he gave the engineers of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) the mandate to carry out an overall study of transportation in Quebec, Prime Minister Legault took the action he should have taken before having any studies carried out. studies on the third link for more than a year. Indeed, as it is up to the surgeon to perform surgery, it is up to engineers to practice engineering, such as traffic engineering. Since 2018, it is politicians and investors who have embarked on engineering work, with the decision of Prime Minister Couillard to entrust the CDPQ with the task of creating the Réseau express métropolitain. Today, CDPQ engineers are able to show that their profession is back in town. Faced with their professional obligation to act in the public interest, in accordance with the requirements of the Professions Act, they carry out an independent study which will be signed by at least one of them. It will be the return of science.

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