Return of indoor AviFit activity, with the Aviron Viviers-Montélimar-Châteauneuf club

It is a particularly complete physical activity, which makes you work different parts of the body, as well as the cardiorespiratory system. The rowing machine is good for your health, and to benefit from it, you don’t need to be an athlete, nor to sail on the water: rowing is first practiced outdoors, on the liquid element, but also indoors. The Aviron Viviers-Montélimar-Châteauneuf club has just relaunched AviFit, on the nautical base of Viviers in Ardèche, an activity which offers muscle strengthening and cardio work, with rowing but not only, all accompanied by a professional coach. It’s every Wednesday at the end of the afternoon, and you don’t need to be a pro, as club president Eric Lefebvre explains for France Bleu Drôme Ardèche.

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