return of gauges, “compulsory” teleworking, time limit for the booster dose … What to remember from the government announcements

An absolute record. In France, the threshold of 100,000 daily cases of Covid-19 contamination was crossed on Saturday, December 25, a figure never seen since the start of the epidemic. In an attempt to mitigate the effects of the fifth wave, a health defense council was held on Monday, December 27 in the afternoon. Upon release, thehe Prime Minister, Jean Castex, and the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, held a press conference to explain the various measures adopted by the government. “The situation is extremely tense”, warned the head of government. Here’s what to remember from their ads.

No New Year’s Eve curfew and back to school maintained

For the evening of December 31, there will be no curfew put in place to curtail private gatherings, while fireworks and alcohol consumption will be banned on public roads. TAll the greeting ceremonies planned for January are also canceled, also announced Jean Castex, before specifying that a defense council would be held on January 5, “to redo the point” on the health situation at the end of the school holidays.

Regarding the start of the school year on January 3, “we will not postpone the start of the school year, said the Prime Minister, and the courses are not switched to distancing “. The children will therefore return to school on Monday. “We assume to make the school safe”, Olivier Véran also said, while stressing that there could be serious cases in children. Currently, “190 children are hospitalized and 35 in intensive care”, he explained.

Large indoor and outdoor gatherings limited

The Prime Minister announced a return of the gauges for major events. This gauge is set at 2,000 people for indoor events and 5,000 people for outdoor events. Standing concerts are also prohibited, said Jean Castex.

New rules in bars, cinemas, sports facilities and public transport

In cafes and bars, standing consumption will be prohibited from Monday, January 3, for three weeks. In addition, it will now be prohibited to eat or drink in theaters and transport, also said the Prime Minister. “The consumption of drinks and food will be prohibited in all cinemas, theaters, sports facilities and public transport, including long distance. Consumption in bars and cafes can no longer be done standing but only in a seated manner. “, said Jean Castex.

Timeframe for vaccine booster reduced to three months

“Vaccination remains at the heart of our strategy, said Jean Castex. It protects against serious forms of Covid-19 “ and therefore against “the risks of hospitalization”. He added that it would now be sufficient, from Tuesday, “three months” after a full vaccination – second injection or after having had the Covid – to be able to benefit from a booster dose. This period had previously been four months.

"It will take three months" after a second injection of vaccine to benefit from a booster dose, announces Jean Castex

Increased sanctions against fake health passes

“The government plans to increase penalties for false health passes”, warned the Prime Minister, who used harsh words in the face of this practice. “It’s much more than a circumvention of Republican law […] it is a deliberate act of endangering others “, hammered the head of government.

In addition, the Council of Ministers adopted on Monday a bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass. “In places where this pass has been applied for several months (…) you will have to justify being vaccinated to be able to enter”, recalled Jean Castex. A rule that will apply “from January 15th” if it is passed in Parliament. This bill provides for raising the scale of penalties applicable in the event of pass fraud, “by allowing those responsible for checking its presentation to verify, in case of doubt, the identity of their holderThe Prime Minister thus confirmed that the managers of establishments open to the public (ERP) will be able to carry out these identity checks, if the bill is adopted.

The return of wearing a mask outside in city centers

Without providing further details on the date of application of the measure, Jean Castex announced that wearing a mask could become compulsory “in all city centers”. “The prefects will adopt the corresponding provisions in conjunction with the mayors”, said the Prime Minister.

No change, for the moment, on the rules concerning contact cases

Jean Castex and Olivier Véran have not announced any relief measures for the duration of isolation of contact cases immediately. The government will announce its decision at the end of the week. “We have seized the High Council of Public Health which will issue recommendations this weekend, probably on December 31, in order to alleviate the conditions of isolation of contact cases”, specified the Minister of Health. Currently, if we are in contact from a person who may have been infected with the Omicron variant, isolate yourself for a period of seven days (or 17 days if we share the home of the infected person), as specified on the Ameli site of the Social Security.

“Mandatory” teleworking three days a week when possible

From January 3, and for three weeks, the use of teleworking “three days minimum” per week, four when possible, will be made compulsory “in all companies and for all employees for whom this is possible”, announced the head of government.

The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, will conduct a consultation with the social partners on this subject on Tuesday, added Jean Castex.

State of emergency extended in Martinique and declared on Reunion Island

The state of health emergency will be declared on the island of Reunion and be extended in Martinique. Parliamentarians will indeed be invited to extend the state of health emergency until March 31, 2022 in Martinique and to declare it until the same date in Reunion, it being specified. “that in the event of declaration of a state of health emergency in another ultra-marine community before March 1, 2022, this state of emergency will also apply until March 31, 2022”.

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