Return curfew at 8:00 p.m. from Wednesday December 08, 2021 in Mart

The curfew is introduced at 8:00 p.m. from Wednesday December 08, 2021 on the territory of Martinique. Any travel must be justified by an overriding reason of a family, health or professional nature.

The coronavirus epidemic continues to progress in Martinique. 618 cases tested positive for Covid-19, from November 29 to December 5, against 529 cases last week.

The health situation is deteriorating with epidemiological indicators and a health system – hospital and home – under strain.

To face the 5th wave, the prefect of Martinique after a local consultation conducted during the last few days, reinstates the curfew at 8:00 p.m. from Wednesday December 08, 2021.

Any travel must be justified by an overriding reason of a family, health or professional nature. The exemption for establishments open to the public (ERP) until 22:00 is not renewed.

In the event of an inspection, the exceptional travel certificate must be presented accompanied by supporting documents. This system is in place for 2 weeks and will be subject to a close review.

Street scene in Fort-de-France (Martinique).

© Martinique the 1st

Schools will apply the level 3 “orange” health protocol from Thursday 09 December 2021 to maintain face-to-face learning until the Christmas holidays in a framework of reinforced health security.

Details will be provided by the rectorate and heads of establishments. In order to slow down this 5th epidemic wave, teleworking is strongly recommended and to be favored as soon as possible as well as videoconferences and remote meetings.

The moments of conviviality which are numerous at the end of the year in the professional and associative framework will have to be reinvented to stay safe. Vaccination is recommended from 12 years old to protect yourself and slow down the circulation of the virus. Starting the vaccination tomorrow is the guarantee of rapid and effective protection for this 5th wave which is rising.

source site-14