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Thursday March 17, Emmanuel Macron unveiled his program. The outgoing president detailed it during a press conference which lasted nearly 4 hours.
His program was expected. It has finally been revealed. For nearly 4 hours, Emmanuel Macron explained the various reforms he intends to carry out over the next five years, before answering questions from journalists. Thirty proposals were thus shelled, with as main axis: work. “We have to work more. On this, there are two levers: full employment and the reform of retreats”, he explained. To achieve this, the Head of State wants to condition the RSA from 15 to 20 hours of activity per week and gradually push back the legal retirement age to 65 years.
The candidate Macron is also committed on the social level, starting with single-parent families: “We increase child benefit for single mothers by 50%.“He also wants social assistance to be paid at source, because some beneficiaries do not receive their due. Two other major projects have been identified: school and health. The cost of his program? 50 billion a year. His presidential competitors criticized the substance and form of his presentation.