Retirement home: Kev Adams reveals that a great actor refused to play in the film

Impossible to miss Kev Adams lately. The 30-year-old actor is currently promoting a new film that is particularly close to his heart because he co-wrote it: Retirement home, whose Parisian preview took place this week.

In this comedy directed by Thomas Gilou (to whom we also owe all the parts of The truth if I lie !), in theaters on February 16, Kev Adams shares the bill with an impressive cast including Gérard Depardieu, Daniel Prévost, Marthe Villalonga and Firmine Richard and Liliane Rovère. The latter accompanied Kev Adams in We are live (France 2) Saturday February 12 for the promotion of Retirement home.

During the program hosted by Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé – who also had Fianso and Barbara Pravi as guests in particular – Kev Adams revealed that the role given to Gérard Depardieu was intended for another big name in French cinema. But this legendary actor, who has since died, refused. This is Jean-Paul Belmondo.

We had written the role for Jean-Paul Belmondo and I have the chance to go see Jean-Paul in the South. We discussed the film, I gave him the script, it was a little over two years ago”, said Kev Adams. Although Jean-Paul Belmondo read it with “a lot of attention“and that he agreed on a new appointment with Kev Adams three weeks later at his home in Paris, the one who will forever remain the Magnificent despite his death which occurred last September, refused this role which was offered to him. “I’m not going to do it myself because I don’t feel like doing everything you ask me“, he replied to Kev Adams, the actor specifying that indeed the role ultimately held by Gérard Depardieu involves long monologues. Jean-Paul Belmondo had then asked his guest to confirm that he had written this script, to which Kev Adams said yes.”If you’re the one who wrote this script, you’re a good kid“, Bébel had him then. A compliment that Kev Adams will never forget!

In Retirement home, the ex of Iris Mittenaere plays the role of Milann, 30, who is forced to perform 300 hours of community service in a retirement home, Les Mimosas, to avoid going to prison. His first weeks are a real hell! But he is quickly adopted by retirees, in particular by a band of 7 inseparable who teach him, each in their own way, their vision of life. Over the weeks, Milann discovers that the establishment is taking advantage of the vulnerability of its residents to rip them off. He then decides to organize a great escape, but he is not at the end of his troubles…

This new numberWe are live attracted just over a million viewers on France 2, 14.1% of the audience aged four and over.

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