retired real estate agent organizes karaoke for seniors


Video length: 7 min

An idea for France: a retired real estate agent organizes karaoke for seniors
An idea for France: a retired real estate agent organizes karaoke for seniors
(France 2)

Rudy Lankar is a retired real estate agent. He became a DJ and hosts karaoke for an audience aged over 60. Reporting.

Rudy Lankar, retired, decided to organize karaoke with the aim of creating a social bond around French song. During his events, the audience is between 60 and 90 years old. Christine, for example, has an impeccable tempo. Évelyne is also a fan of Rudy’s karaoke. Before coming, she always prepares a list of songs. She is one of the most diligent. Three afternoons a month, she joins a group of singers, all friends, but each has their own repertoire. Experienced or beginners, nothing matters here except the pleasure of being together. Once back home, Rudy posts the best performances on social networks. “The main thing is to create a bond, it makes families happy, it’s a pleasure that they keep”he explains.

Journalist Valérie Heurtel, present on set, reminds us that singing, especially in the shower, is good for your health. “Singing lowers our level of cortisol, the stress hormone, it also maintains memory since we learn words, and it activates muscles, those of the face and the diaphragm”, explains the journalist. 3.5 million French people are involved in a choir.

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