Retired radiation oncologist from Quebec charged with sexual assault

A former radiation oncologist from the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, now 83, is accused of sexual assault for acts that allegedly occurred in the context of his practice over a period of six years.

Luis Victor Diaz de Bedoya, born in 1939, was charged at the Quebec courthouse on Monday morning. The hearing took place in his absence.

According to the arrest warrant, the medical specialist allegedly sexually assaulted a victim over a period from March 2001 to November 2007.

Other wanted victims

The Quebec City Police Department specifies that these acts occurred in the context of its medical practice.

Moreover, the SPVQ indicates that it is looking for other potential victims of Dr. Diaz de Bedoya.

In a press release, the authorities mention having reason to believe that the doctor “could have” caused more than one victim during his practice which lasted almost 40 years in Quebec.

“True Pioneer”

Specialist in radiation oncology, Mr. Diaz de Bedoya would have started his practice in the early 1980s according to the SPVQ. The man retired in 2016.

In the 2015-2016 annual report of the radio-oncology department of the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, we find a word from the head of the department on the occasion of this departure.

“With us since 1981 after training in Paraguay and then in Paris, he was a true pioneer in the organization of pulmonary and cutaneous radio-oncology, in collaboration with other medical specialties in the greater Quebec City region”, wrote the responsible at the time, taking care to add that the doctor would “always be part of our team”.


“The CHU de Québec-Université Laval (CHU) will offer its full and complete cooperation to the competent authorities in this matter. Due to the ongoing legal process, the CHU will not issue any further comment, ”said Public Affairs Advisor Bryan Gélinas for the hospital group on Monday.

In the Criminal Code, the offense of sexual assault carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.

  • The case will return to court on February 22.

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