Retake exams: Alloprof does not take vacations

The Alloprof academic support service will offer, from Monday until July 31, help and numerous resources and tools to young Quebecers who have to take retake exams.

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The Alloprof team will travel to certain schools in the province to offer summer courses and encourage these students.

In addition to its tours, personalized support with qualified teachers is also offered on the Alloprof site. Students can get help by chat, text or phone, Monday to Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

In addition, a collaborative space, called the “Zone d’entraide”, is offered seven days a week to give explanations validated by a professional team.

Alloprof believes that it is above all mathematics and science that pose problems for students during summer courses.

Concerns and motivation

According to the organization, many teachers, parents and students have expressed concern in recent months about the impact of COVID-19 on the expected pace of learning.

“The good news is that the ministerial tests have taken into account the possible delays caused by the pandemic and focus on priority learning, in addition to only counting for 10% or 20% of the student’s final mark. “said Annie Harvey, columnist at Alloprof, by press release.

Before the pandemic, approximately 20,000 young people were affected by the summer retake exams in Quebec.

Alloprof points out that it is difficult to keep students motivated after failure, and even more so during the holidays.

“There is a certain embarrassment that can be associated with difficulties in school. We take the opportunity to nurture their confidence, equip them and perhaps even give them a smile,” added Ms. Harvey.

In an interview with TVA Nouvelles, she clarified that these exam retakes are “a second chance to do better and to undo knots that could persist throughout the school career”.

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