restored World War II bunkers




Article written by

S.Bernuchon, Y.Moine, B.De Saint Jore, underwater images: Patrick Ragot/Gramasa, drone images: Droneeye – France 2

France Televisions

On the Atlantic coast, many bunkers dating from the Second World War are present. Volunteers work to restore some of them.

On the pristine beaches of Pilat (Gironde), we find the vestiges of a sometimes forgotten past. The bunkers, however, fascinate many enthusiasts. On the coast, we still see the presence of two concrete monsters, but 15 others have been swallowed up by the sea and erosion. To rediscover this heritage, you have to equip yourself accordingly and practice scuba diving. Ten meters deep is a unique site where several bunkers are located. But behind this beauty there is a dark stain of French history. In 1942, France was occupied by the Germans and to prevent any invasion, they decided to build fortifications from the north to the south of the coast: the Atlantic wall.

Set back from the coast, there are sites hidden in the forest. Volunteers decided to renovate this place. “I think it’s a heritage that is in danger so we have to try to preserve it as much as possible.“, says one of them. Inside the bunker, some messages written in German are marked. In Arcachon, there are also bunkers where you don’t expect them. Under the tourist office, in downtown, Marc Mentel and his association GRAMASA (Archaeological Research Group on the Atlantic Wall Arcachon Sector) discovered a bunker which they restored. The blockhouses of the Atlantic Wall are even currently listed by archaeologists, and some should soon be classified.

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