restless leg syndrome

Guillaume Douet is an osteopath and he knows the disarray of these people who can no longer sleep, the phenomenon is called restless leg syndrome.

What are the origins of these legs that need to move even when the individual really wants to sleep?

This syndrome is a sleep disorder.

It is necessary to seek with its doctor if it is about metabolic disorders, like a deficiency. Often mentioned: iron deficiency. Another possible cause: drug treatment may be the cause, again: talk to your doctor.

The sleep ritual can also be questioned, of course are to be banned during the period of falling asleep: caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, but also the famous blue lights of our screens.

Be careful not to play sports late at night, this can also have the effect of promoting restlessness in the legs.

On the other hand: a practice of gentle and repeated physical exercise, at times far from falling asleep, is favorable to a healthy lifestyle and a better transition to sleep.

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