restaurants are experiencing the return of teleworking


Article written by

T. Souman, C. La Rocca, E. Gleize – France 2

France Televisions

Restaurant owners are worried. Since the return of compulsory teleworking, many cities are operating at slow speed, which has a hard impact on the number of their businesses. Example in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), which is not spared by this news restrictions.

Fifteen place settings reserved for this noon against forty usually, this is the sad observation made by Bernard Marty, manager of a brewery in Marseille (Bouches-du Rhône) on Tuesday, January 4. Since the start of the week, the same scenario has been repeated: workers have been missing since the return of compulsory teleworking. In the kitchen, managing inventory has become a headache, as it is impossible to determine how many people will be coming to lunch compared to usual.

Face-to-face employees are increasingly rare. For those present, they confirm that meals with colleagues are no longer relevant due to health restrictions. A woman interviewed in the street confides: “We are teleworking between 2 and 3 days a week”, which decreases the opportunities to go to the restaurant. Restaurant owners are therefore deprived of a substantial part of their income, without systematic financial assistance.


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