Resolutions at the start of the year: beware of weight loss diets

The advertisements of diets and weight loss products that sweep over social media after the holidays are problematic and deserve our suspicion, warns a nutritionist.

• Read also: The best diet

• Read also: Stop the culture of diets!

“We’re worth a lot more than the number on the scale. Especially in the current times, it is very important to work with our body and not against it, ”said Myriam Beaudry, nutritionist-dietitian and doctoral candidate in nutrition, in an interview on QUB radio on Wednesday.

The fact that these dietary plans and supplements come back every year, she says, is proof of their ineffectiveness: “If it had worked the year before, we wouldn’t need it this year.”

In a post on Instagram earlier this week, Beaudry denounced the pseudo-experts who try to sell diets and products on social networks. Rather, it invites the population to turn to health professionals who have adequate training and who are members of a professional order in order to ensure that the process is safe.

Eating disorders and confinement

At the microphone of Yasmine Abdelfadel, the nutrition specialist also commented on the increase in cases of eating disorders among young people since the start of the pandemic.

“It’s a situation that made young people lose a lot of reference points: we have a different school schedule, we have distance learning, less contact with friends. This loss of structure can lead to loss of control.

“When we lose control, we can try to regain it in other areas of our life such as weight, diet and sport. So there may have been a vulnerability there. ”

  • Listen to Myriam Beaudry, nutritionist-dietitian and doctoral candidate in nutrition, in an interview on QUB:

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