(Quebec) Prime Minister François Legault has decided to cut short the “race” which was being prepared within his troops to obtain the position of chief government whip vacant after the resignation of Eric Lefebvre who is moving to the Conservative Party of Canada. The veteran Mario Laframboise (Blainville) accedes to this function and the position of president of the caucus which he occupied until now is entrusted to François Jacques (Mégantic).
Mr. Legault announced his decision during his party’s caucus meeting Wednesday evening.

François Jacques
A CAQ MP since 2014, Mr. Laframboise, a former Bloc member and experienced politician, has chaired the caucus since the CAQ came to power in 2018.
By appointing François Jacques, François Legault is moving up an elected official from the 2018 vintage.
The whip and the caucus chair participate in cabinet meetings.